English Idioms

Comprehensive resource for understanding and mastering English idioms

Every picture tells a story


The idiom "every picture tells a story" refers to the idea that each image or photograph contains hidden messages or meaning beyond its surface level. It suggests that we can interpret and understand more about people, events, and relationships by examining visual cues rather than just relying on verbal communication. In contemporary language, the phrase is often used metaphorically to describe situations in which unspoken emotions or attitudes are conveyed through nonverbal cues such as body language, facial expressions, or tone of voice.


  • The actor's performance in this scene was so convincing that every picture tells a story about his emotional state.
  • By observing the picture, we can see how the couple's relationship has evolved over time.
  • The photograph captures the tension and conflict between the two siblings, every picture tells a story of their strained relationship.
  • The artist's use of color and composition in this painting creates an emotional impact that every picture tells a story about the human condition.
  • By examining the body language of the speaker, we can infer their true feelings even though they are not saying anything.

Roots and History

The idiom "every picture tells a story" has been in use since at least the 16th century. One of the earliest known uses was by the German philosopher Martin Heidegger, who wrote in 1927 that "every thing can be seen, not only with the eyes." This phrase suggests that there is more to see than just the surface level and that we need to look deeper to understand the hidden meaning behind things. Over time, the idiom has been adapted and expanded upon by artists, photographers, and other creative professionals who use visual imagery to convey emotions and ideas.

Synonyms in English

  • A picture is worth a thousand words.
  • Every image tells a story.
  • The camera never lies.
  • A picture speaks a thousand words.
  • Photography reveals the truth.

Synonyms in other languages

  • Spanish - La imagen dice más que las palabras (The image says more than the words)
  • French - Le regard est un langage plus puissant que les mots (Looking is a more powerful language than words)
  • Italian - L'immagine è parola e vita (The image is word and life)
  • German - Bild spricht lauterer Wort (The image speaks louder than words)
  • Russian - Фотография выражает самые глубокие чувства (Photography expresses the deepest emotions)

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