English Idioms

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Face the music


The idiom "face the music" means to confront or deal directly with a difficult or unpleasant situation, especially one that has been avoided or ignored. It can also mean to accept or acknowledge a mistake or error, and to take responsibility for it. The phrase is derived from a literal meaning of facing a musical performance, which may be unpleasant for some people.


  • She had been avoiding her boss's criticism for months, but finally decided to face the music and confront him directly.
  • When he found out that he had failed his driving test, John immediately faced the music and signed up for a new class.
  • The company had been losing money for years, but they were determined to face the music and turn things around.
  • She had been putting off her doctor's appointment, but when she finally faced the music, she discovered that she had a benign tumor.
  • After years of avoiding his past mistakes, he finally decided to face the music and make amends with those he had wronged.

Roots and History

The idiom "face the music" first appeared in print in the 18th century, but its origins are unclear. It may have been derived from the literal meaning of facing a musical performance, which may be unpleasant for some people. The phrase was later used to refer to confronting difficult or unpleasant situations in life. Over time, the idiom's usage has evolved to include accepting and acknowledging mistakes or errors, and taking responsibility for them. It is now commonly used in a variety of contexts, from business and finance to personal relationships and self-improvement.

Synonyms in English

  • Facing up to the facts
  • Meeting one's responsibilities
  • Owning up to one's mistakes
  • Addressing the issue head-on
  • Taking a hard look at oneself

Synonyms in other languages

  • 承受困扰的事件 (Chinese) - to accept difficult events
  • 脱走贡献 (Japanese) - to withdraw from contributions
  • 踏上处理 (Chinese) - to handle problems directly
  • 承受不便 (French) - to accept inconvenience
  • 承受挑战 (Spanish) - to accept challenges

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