English Idioms

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The idiom "far-fetched" means something that is difficult to believe or exaggerated, often due to a lack of evidence or credibility. It can also refer to an idea or theory that is so unusual or unconventional as to be unlikely or impossible.


  • The conspiracy theory proposed by the president's allies was considered far-fetched by most Americans.
  • The detective dismissed the suspect's alibi, finding it too far-fetched to believe.
  • The company's claims of a breakthrough in renewable energy technology were met with skepticism, as they seemed too far-fetched to be true.
  • The scientist presented her theory on the origins of life on Earth, which many colleagues found too far-fetched to consider seriously.
  • The celebrity's claims of being kidnapped by aliens were met with laughter from his fans, who considered them too far-fetched to believe.

Roots and History

The idiom "far-fetched" first appeared in English in the 14th century and is believed to have originated from the phrase "over the top of one's head," which means something that was out of reach or beyond one's control. Over time, the meaning of the phrase evolved to include ideas or theories that were so unlikely as to be difficult to believe. The use of the idiom has remained relatively consistent over time, but its usage can vary depending on the context in which it is used. In some cases, the idiom may be used to dismiss an idea or theory as too unlikely or implausible, while in others it may be used to describe something that is so unusual or bizarre as to be difficult to comprehend.

Synonyms in English

  • Implausible
  • Unbelievable
  • Prefect
  • Inconceivable
  • Extraordinary

Synonyms in other languages

  • En français: Étrange, Incrédible, Douteux
  • In español: Estrange, Incredible, Doblemente seguro
  • In Italian: Strano, Incredibile, Raro
  • In German: Fremdartig, Unbeliebig, Wahnsinnlich
  • In Japanese: 怪事 (kai shi), 奇妙 (kigo), 非常 (fujō)

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