English Idioms

Comprehensive resource for understanding and mastering English idioms

Feather in your cap


The idiom "feather in your cap" is used to describe a small accomplishment or success that makes someone feel proud or happy. It can also refer to an achievement that has added value to one's reputation or standing in the community.


  • "I got promoted at work last month, and it really felt like a feather in my cap." - This sentence shows how getting a promotion can be a source of pride and joy.
  • "She won first place in the art contest, which was a huge feather in her cap." - In this sentence, winning first place in an art contest is seen as a significant accomplishment.
  • "The company announced record profits last quarter, which boosted employee morale and put a feather in their cap." - The company's success can be credited to the hard work of its employees, who feel proud of their contribution to the company's success.
  • "He got accepted into his dream school, which was a big feather in his cap." - Getting accepted into a prestigious school is seen as a significant accomplishment that can add value to one's reputation.
  • "She published her first book last year, which was a feather in her cap." - Publishing a book can be a source of pride and recognition for an author.

Roots and History

The idiom "feather in your cap" dates back to the 16th century, where it was used to describe a bird with an impressive plumage on its head. Over time, the phrase evolved to refer to someone who had achieved something notable or impressive. The idiom has remained largely unchanged over time and is widely used in contemporary language.

Synonyms in English

  • "Feather in your cap" can be synonymous with other idioms such as "achievement," "success," "milestone," "triumph," and "accomplishment."
  • "A badge of honor" is another idiom that can be used to describe a small accomplishment or success that adds value to one's reputation.
  • "A pat on the back" is an idiom that can be used to describe recognition or praise for a job well done.

Synonyms in other languages

  • In Spanish, "un plumón en el capo" translates to "a feather in one's cap."
  • In French, "un plume dans son chapeau" is an idiom that means "a feather in one's cap."
  • In German, "ein Gefieder auf dem Kopf tragen" translates to "to wear a feather on one's head," which is used with the same meaning as "feather in one's cap."

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