English Idioms

Comprehensive resource for understanding and mastering English idioms

Fly in the ointment


The idiom "fly in the ointment" refers to a person or thing that disrupts or ruins an otherwise pleasant or successful situation. It can also refer to a negative or unwelcome interference in someone's plans or activities. The figurative meaning is often used metaphorically to describe a situation where a small action or event can cause a significant problem or upset.


  • "I was having the best day ever until my boss called me into his office and gave me a stern warning." - This sentence uses the idiom to describe how a negative outcome (getting a warning) ruined an otherwise positive day.
  • "The party was going great until someone spilled red wine on the white carpet." - Here, the idiom is used to describe how a small mistake caused a significant problem.
  • "We were about to go out for dinner when we found out our reservations had been canceled." - This sentence uses the idiom to describe how an unexpected event (the cancellation of reservations) ruined plans for dinner.
  • "The new employee seemed like a perfect fit for our team, but then they started causing problems and conflicts among coworkers." - The idiom is used here to describe how someone who appeared promising caused problems in the workplace.
  • "I had planned to study all day, but then I got distracted by social media and didn't make any progress." - This sentence uses the idiom to describe how a small distraction (social media) disrupted plans for studying.

Roots and History

The idiom "fly in the ointment" dates back to at least the 16th century. The earliest known usage of the phrase is found in a collection of proverbs by John Heywood in 1546, where he wrote, "A fly in the oynement." However, it's likely that the idiom has been used for centuries before this. The phrase has not changed significantly in meaning over time, although its usage may have become more common or more widespread as English became more widely spoken.

Synonyms in English

  • Fly in the ointment (negative interference)
  • Wrench in the works (disruption)
  • Spanner in the works (interference)
  • Hiccup in plans (disruption)
  • Monkey wrench (disruption)

Synonyms in other languages

  • English - "fly in the ointment": French - "fouille dans l'huile", Spanish - "huele en el ointmento", German - "Fliege im Salbe", Italian - "ruffia nel collirio"
  • English - "wrench in the works": French - "roulant de la roue", Spanish - "volante en las ruedas", German - "Schlingen von der Rade", Italian - "ruolo in mano"
  • English - "spanner in the works": French - "roulement de la roue", Spanish - "tiro con la cuerda", German - "Drehstange", Italian - "torque in mano"
  • English - "hiccup in plans": French - "coup de foudre", Spanish - "estampida en los planes", German - "Plänen stören", Italian - "ruolo in mano"
  • English - "monkey wrench": French - "roulement de la roue", Spanish - "volante en las ruedas", German - "Schlingen von der Rade", Italian - "ruolo in mano"

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