English Idioms

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Fool’s paradise


The idiom "fool's paradise" is used to describe a place or situation that seems perfect on the surface but is actually full of hidden dangers or problems. It is often used to caution someone about something that may seem too good to be true at first glance. For example, a person might say "Don't go to that tropical island, it's just a fool's paradise for unsuspecting tourists."


  • I was so excited to move to New York City, but after living there for a year, I realized it was nothing short of a fool's paradise for aspiring artists like me.
  • The company promised unlimited opportunities and high salaries, but in reality, it was just a fool's paradise for desperate job seekers who didn't do their research.
  • Don't go to that beach at night, it's just a fool's paradise for drunken tourists who don't realize the dangers lurking in the dark.
  • The city may seem like a dream come true, but beware the hidden costs and scams that make it more of a fool's paradise than a utopia.
  • I was so impressed with the fancy hotel and luxurious amenities, but after staying there for a night, I realized it was just a fool's paradise for people who didn't read the reviews.

Roots and History

The idiom "fool's paradise" has been in use since at least the 19th century. It comes from the idea of a paradise that is designed to entice people into entering, but once they arrive, they discover that it is not as perfect as it seemed. This concept can be traced back to Greek mythology, where the goddess Aphrodite created a beautiful island called Elysium for mortals who died in battle. However, those who arrived on the island found themselves trapped by deadly serpents and could never leave. Over time, the idiom has evolved to include more modern examples of paradises that are designed to lure people in but have hidden dangers. For example, social media platforms can be a fool's paradise for people who compare their lives to the carefully curated images they see online.

Synonyms in English

  • Illusion
  • Dream world
  • Pipe dream
  • Fantasy
  • Mirage

Synonyms in other languages

  • 「夢想」(Mèi xiǎng) - Chinese (Translation: "Dream")
  • 「夢境」(Mèi jìng) - Chinese (Translation: "Dream world")
  • 「夢見世界」(Mèi miàn shì jiē) - Japanese (Translation: "Dream world")
  • 「夢の中」(Mèi no naka) - Japanese (Translation: "Inside a dream")
  • 「夢境」(Mèi jìng) - Korean (Translation: "Dream world")

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