English Idioms

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Get to the bottom


The idiom "get to the bottom" means to find out the truth or discover the underlying cause of something. It can also mean to completely understand or master a subject.


  • I need to get to the bottom of this mystery before it's too late.
  • The coach wants us to get to the bottom of why we keep losing games.
  • She gets to the bottom of every issue with her employees.
  • He doesn't want to get to the bottom of the problem, he just wants it to go away.
  • We need to get to the bottom of this research before we can make any conclusions. The usage of "get to the bottom" can vary depending on the context. In some cases, it can be used in a literal sense, while in others, it can be used metaphorically. For example, "I need to get to the bottom of why my computer keeps crashing" means to figure out the technical cause of the problem. On the other hand, "He's not interested in getting to the bottom of his personal problems" means he doesn't want to confront or address them.

Roots and History

The idiom "get to the bottom" has its roots in Old English, where it meant "to reach the topmost part or end". Over time, its meaning evolved to include discovering the underlying cause of something. It is believed that the phrase "bottom" comes from the idea of reaching the lowest point or end of something, which can also mean understanding or mastering a subject completely.

Synonyms in English

  • Uncover the truth
  • Find out the root cause
  • Get to the heart of the matter
  • Understand the issue fully
  • Master the concept

Synonyms in other languages

  • Spanish: "Descubrir la verdad" (to discover the truth)
  • French: "Découvrir le fond" (to find out the underlying cause)
  • German: "Auf die Grundlage kommen" (to come to the bottom of something)
  • Italian: "Ascendere alla base" (to reach the foundation)
  • Arabic: "الحول الدرجة أنتا مشاركة" (to understand the subject completely)

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