English Idioms

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Go bananas


The idiom "go bananas" means to become extremely excited or crazy. It can also mean to lose control or behave recklessly. The phrase is often used to describe someone who has gone insane or is behaving erratically. For example, if someone jumps out of a tree onto their car and starts driving around, you might say they've gone bananas.


  • When she found out her test was cancelled, she went bananas and started yelling at the professor.
  • The band went bananas on stage during their concert, jumping around and interacting with the audience.
  • After losing his job, he went bananas and started selling all his possessions online.
  • When they found out they won the lottery, they went bananas and started planning their vacation.
  • The patient was in a manic state and went bananas during her therapy session.

Roots and History

The phrase "go bananas" has its roots in the American English language and dates back to the early 20th century. It is believed to have originated from the word "banana," which was slang for a young woman who was attractive or easygoing. In the 1940s, the phrase began to be used to describe someone who had gone mad or lost their sanity. The phrase has since become a popular idiom and is commonly used in contemporary language.

Synonyms in English

  • Go crazy
  • Lose your mind
  • Go nuts
  • Become unhinged
  • Losing it

Synonyms in other languages

  • Spanish - Ir al loco/a (Go crazy)
  • French - Aller au délire (Lose your mind)
  • German - Aus der Verstandeshöhe fallen (Go mad)
  • Italian - Andare alla mente (Go nuts)
  • Chinese - 失智疯 (Become unhinged)

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