English Idioms

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Good egg


The idiom "good egg" refers to someone who is kind, honest, reliable, and generally well-liked by others. It's often used to describe a person who has a good character and is trustworthy.


  • "John is such a good egg. He always volunteers to help when no one else will." - This sentence highlights John's reliability and willingness to help others.
  • "I'm glad you met Sarah. She's a real good egg. You two will get along great!" - This statement suggests that Sarah is well-liked by the speaker and is likely to have a positive impact on the relationship between the speaker and the person being introduced.
  • "Don't worry about Bob. He's a good egg. He won't let you down." - This sentence conveys confidence in Bob's character and reliability.
  • "I wish I had more friends like Maria. She's a real good egg. We have so much fun together!" - This statement suggests that the speaker values Maria's positive qualities and enjoys spending time with her.
  • "You should meet Tom. He's a good egg. He always has a smile on his face." - This sentence highlights Tom's friendly demeanor and positive outlook on life.

Roots and History

The origin of the idiom "good egg" is unclear, but it may have emerged in the late 18th or early 19th century in the United States. One theory suggests that it comes from the phrase "egg of a bird," which was used to describe someone who was kind and generous. Another theory suggests that it originated in Europe and was later adopted by Americans.

Synonyms in English

  • Nice person
  • Good person
  • Decent person
  • Trustworthy person
  • Dependable person

Synonyms in other languages

  • Spanish: buena persona, amable
  • French: bonne personne, sympathique
  • German: guter Mensch, liebenswürdig
  • Italian: buona gente, gentile
  • Portuguese: bom pessoa, cordial

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