English Idioms

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Hard and fast


The idiom "hard and fast" generally means something that is done quickly, easily, or efficiently. It can also refer to a situation that is urgent or immediate. In contemporary language, the phrase is often used to describe a process or action that is straightforward and does not require much thought or effort.


  • The project was completed hard and fast, and we were able to deliver it on time.
  • She had her child hard and fast, and was back to work in no time.
  • When faced with a difficult decision, he always chose the path of least resistance, going hard and fast without considering all options.
  • After years of research, they finally found a solution that worked hard and fast.
  • The company had been struggling for years, but with new leadership and a fresh approach, they were able to turn things around hard and fast. The usage of the idiom can vary depending on the context. For example, in some cases, it may be used to describe a situation that is not necessarily positive, such as a person who rushes through tasks without paying attention to details. In other cases, it can be used to describe something that is desirable or beneficial, such as a product that has a quick and easy installation process.

Roots and History

The idiom "hard and fast" dates back to the 16th century, when it was first used in English literature to describe something that was done quickly and easily. The phrase has since evolved to include a wider range of meanings, including something that is urgent or immediate. Over time, the idiom has become more commonly used in contemporary language to describe a situation that requires quick action or decision-making.

Synonyms in English

  • Easy peasy lemon squeezy
  • A piece of cake
  • A snap
  • A breeze
  • A walk in the park

Synonyms in other languages

  • Spanish: Fácil como se mueve un dedo (easily as you move a finger)
  • French: Belle-belle comme un chat (pretty as a cat)
  • German: Einfach wie ist das (simple like that)
  • Italian: Facile come una tortiglia di risotto (easy like a tortilla of risotto)
  • Russian: Спокойно, легко и быстро (calmly, easily and quickly)

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