English Idioms

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Hard cheese


The idiom "hard cheese" is used to express disbelief or shock when someone says something that you find unacceptable or offensive. It can also be used to express disappointment or frustration when someone does not fulfill your expectations. The literal meaning of the phrase is a reference to the difficulty of finding a type of cheese called "hard cheese."


  • When my friend suggested we watch a movie about Hitler, I said, "Hard cheese! That's not something I want to see."
  • My boss expects me to finish this project by tomorrow, but I don't think it's possible. I said, "Hard cheese, I can barely keep up with my workload as is."
  • My family is planning a trip to Europe next year, but they haven't told me where they want to go yet. I said, "Hard cheese, I need some notice before I start making arrangements."
  • When my neighbor started playing loud music at 2 am, I went outside to complain and was met with silence. I said, "Hard cheese, what am I supposed to do now?"
  • My best friend got into an argument with his girlfriend over a small thing and stormed out of the room. I said, "Hard cheese, that's not how you handle things." The usage of this idiom can vary depending on the context. It can be used in a formal or informal setting, and it can be directed towards someone who is in a position of power or authority. It can also be used to express frustration or disappointment with oneself.

Roots and History

The origin of this idiom is unclear, but it is believed to have been used in English since the 19th century. It may have been influenced by the difficulty of finding a type of cheese called "hard cheese" in certain areas. The phrase has since taken on a figurative meaning and is commonly used to express disbelief or shock when someone says something that is unacceptable or offensive.

Synonyms in English

  • Come again?
  • Really?
  • Are you kidding me?
  • That's not possible!
  • What are you talking about?

Synonyms in other languages

  • Enchante-moi! (French) - Expresses surprise or delight.
  • ¿Qué pasa? (Spanish) - Ask for clarification or explanation.
  • ¡Maldita vecina! (Spanish) - Used to express frustration with a neighbor.
  • ¡Qué onda?! (Spanish) - Similar to "What's up?" in English.
  • נוך מדעם אלקים (Hebrew) - Expresses shock or dismay.

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