English Idioms

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Heart and soul


The idiom "heart and soul" is used to describe a person who puts their whole energy, passion, and dedication into something or someone they deeply care about. It can also be used to describe a relationship, organization, or project that is characterized by intense devotion and commitment.

  • Literal Meaning The phrase "heart and soul" refers to the physical organ known as the heart and the entire body. When someone puts their heart and soul into something, they are investing all of their energy, passion, and dedication into it.
  • Figurative Meaning In contemporary language, the idiom "heart and soul" is often used metaphorically to describe a person or thing that is deeply loved, cherished, and dedicated to. For example, someone might say, "I have heart and soul in my work," which means that they are extremely passionate about their job and put a lot of effort into it.


  • She put heart and soul into her painting, and it was clear in every brushstroke.
  • The couple had heart and soul for each other, despite their age difference.
  • The company had heart and soul in its mission to help underserved communities.
  • He poured his heart and soul into the project, working tirelessly to make sure it succeeded.
  • She put her heart and soul into her research, spending countless hours studying to create a groundbreaking discovery.

Roots and History

The idiom "heart and soul" has its roots in early English literature. The phrase appears in the Middle English work "The Canterbury Tales" by Geoffrey Chaucer, where it is used to describe someone who loves something deeply. Over time, the phrase became associated with intense devotion and commitment, and eventually took on its current figurative meaning.

Synonyms in English

  • Passionate
  • Dedicated
  • Committed
  • Zealous
  • Enthusiastic

Synonyms in other languages

  • Spanish: "De todo corazón" (From all the heart)
  • French: "A tout le cœur" (To all the heart)
  • German: "Von allem Herzen" (From all the heart)
  • Italian: "Con tutto il cuore" (With all the heart)
  • Mandarin Chinese: "尽一切心力" (Exhaust all heart energy)

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