English Idioms

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The idiom "henpecked" refers to someone who is overly submissive or obedient to the wishes of others, often to the point of being dominated or controlled. This person may be described as easily influenced, weak-willed, or lacking in independence. The term is derived from the image of a hen following its mate around, pecking at its feathers.


  • She's always so eager to please her boss that she often appears henpecked and clueless in meetings.
  • Despite his assertiveness, some would argue that he's still somewhat henpecked by his controlling wife.
  • The new employee had a tendency to be overly obedient, leaving him looking henpecked and lacking in confidence.
  • The dog was always following its owner around so closely that it looked like they were completely henpecked.
  • He was so afraid of his boss's wrath that he became entirely henpecked by her expectations.

Roots and History

The idiom "henpecked" dates back to the 16th century, where it was used to describe someone who was closely controlled or dominated by their partner, often in a relationship involving marriage. Over time, the term's usage has broadened to refer to anyone who is overly obedient or submissive to others.

Synonyms in English

  • Submissive
  • Obedient
  • Compliant
  • Timid
  • Passive

Synonyms in other languages

  • Spanish: "Subordinado/a" (submissive)
  • French: "Évêché/e" (obedient)
  • Italian: "Obbediente/a" (compliant)
  • German: "Anhänglich/e" (timid)
  • Japanese: "叩いている/僕られている" (passive)

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