English Idioms

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Hide light under a bushel


The idiom "hide light under a bushel" means to keep something hidden or not share it with others, often because of fear of shame or embarrassment. It is a figurative expression that implies one is hiding something good or positive from others. The idiom originated in the Middle Ages, where lanterns were used to light up streets and houses at night. The phrase "hide light under a bushel" comes from the idea of placing a lit lantern under a large basket or container, preventing its light from being seen by others.


  • She was so embarrassed about her singing talent that she hid it from everyone, even her family and friends.
  • Despite his successful career, he decided to hide his accomplishments and continue working as an employee at the company.
  • The new restaurant's menu had some unique dishes that they decided to hide under a bushel until they were ready for a big reveal.
  • She was hesitant to share her personal struggles with others, preferring to hide them away and keep a strong facade of confidence.
  • When the employee discovered his boss's secret affair, he chose to hide it from everyone else in the company to avoid causing any drama.

Roots and History

The idiom "hide light under a bushel" has been used since the Middle Ages when lanterns were used to light up streets at night. Lanterns were often placed inside baskets or containers, such as a bushel, to protect them from wind and rain. However, if someone wanted to keep their lantern hidden from others, they would place it under the bushel. The phrase "hide light under a bushel" has been used in English since at least the 16th century, with early recorded uses appearing in Shakespeare's plays.

Synonyms in English

  • Conceal
  • Keep secret
  • Hide away
  • Suppress
  • Hold back

Synonyms in other languages

  • French: Cache
  • Spanish: Esconder
  • German: Versteck
  • Italian: Nascondere
  • Dutch: Verwijderen The idiom has been used throughout history and continues to be a common expression today. While the meaning of the idiom remains mostly consistent, there may be regional variations or slight changes in usage depending on cultural and linguistic differences.

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