English Idioms

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Hobson’s choice


Hobson's choice is an idiom that means having only one option to choose from, or being forced to make a decision without any real alternatives. It originated in London in the 19th century and was named after a blacksmith who had two horses for sale: one at a high price and one at a low price. The buyer was effectively given "Hobson's choice" of which horse to buy.

The literal meaning of Hobson's choice is having only one option or no choice at all. It can be used in both positive and negative ways, depending on the context. For example, if someone says they have Hobson's choice when choosing between two jobs, it means they don't really care which one they take.


  • When negotiating a contract, you can often find yourself with Hobson's choice: either accept the terms or walk away without any other options.
  • If you don't want to see that movie, you have Hobson's choice - either watch it or leave.
  • When choosing between two candidates for a job, you may have Hobson's choice - one is overqualified and the other is underqualified.
  • If you're hungry and there's no restaurant nearby, you have Hobson's choice - either eat at home or starve.
  • When deciding on a vacation destination, you may have Hobson's choice - either go to the beach or visit a museum.

Roots and History

The idiom "Hobson's choice" originated in London in the 19th century. It is believed to have been named after a blacksmith named William Hobson who had two horses for sale. He would sell one horse at a high price and the other at a low price, effectively giving the buyer Hobson's choice of which horse to buy. Over time, the idiom has evolved to mean having only one option or being forced to make a decision without any real alternatives. It is now commonly used in a variety of contexts, from business negotiations to personal choices.

Synonyms in English

  • No other choice
  • Your alternative
  • The only way out
  • The only option available
  • You have to take it or leave it

Synonyms in other languages

  • Spanish: "no otros medios" - meaning there are no other options available
  • French: "pas d'autre choix" - meaning there are no other choices
  • German: "nur die Möglichkeit" - meaning the only possibility
  • Italian: "non ci sono altre opzioni" - meaning there are no other options available
  • Portuguese: "não há outros meios" - meaning there are no other ways

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