English Idioms

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Home is where the heart is


"Home is where the heart is" is an idiom that means that a person's family or loved ones are more important to them than any other place in the world. It suggests that people feel most comfortable and happy when they are surrounded by those who care for them. This idiom is often used to describe someone's emotional attachment to their home or family, rather than their physical location.


  • She always said that "home is where the heart is," and she never left her family's side despite living in different states.
  • When my grandparents passed away, I realized how much I missed spending time with them and how much they truly were the center of my life - "home is where the heart is."
  • After moving to a new city for work, John found comfort in his old hometown and felt like he belonged there - "home is where the heart is."
  • My friends always tease me about being homesick, but I know that no matter where I am in the world, my family will always be my heart - "home is where the heart is."
  • When we traveled to different countries, I noticed how much more I enjoyed the trip when we got to spend time with locals and experience their culture - "home is where the heart is" doesn't have to mean just family, it can also refer to a community or place that feels like home.

Roots and History

The idiom "home is where the heart is" dates back to at least the 16th century and has been used in literature as well as everyday conversation for centuries. One of the earliest recorded uses of the phrase is by William Shakespeare in his play "The Two Gentlemen of Verona," where Proteus says, "Home is not home if the heart be not there." Over time, the idiom has evolved to encompass more than just family and can refer to any place or community that feels like home.

Synonyms in English

  • Family is my rock and my refuge.
  • My loved ones are the reason I wake up every morning.
  • I'm not sure where I belong without my hometown.
  • Wherever I am, as long as my family is near, I feel at home.
  • I’ve found that my heart belongs in this old town.

Synonyms in other languages

  • La familia es mi roca y mi refugio (Spanish) - Family is my rock and my refuge.
  • Les parents sont mes proches et mes plus grands amis (French) - My loved ones are the reason I wake up every morning.
  • Je n'ai pas de lieu qui me sente comme à la maison sans mon village natal (French) - I’m not sure where I belong without my hometown.
  • À cause des siens, quand on est loin de chez eux, cela sent comme la maison (French) - Wherever I am, as long as my family is near, I feel at home.
  • La mia terza casa è qui (Italian) - I’ve found that my heart belongs in this old town.

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