English Idioms

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In bed with


The idiom "in bed with" means to be romantically involved or having a sexual relationship with someone. It can also refer to being close friends or confidants. The figurative meaning is that someone is sharing secrets, information or experiences with another person they trust.


  • I am in bed with my best friend since childhood.
  • He's been in bed with his partner for five years now.
  • We were in bed together when we found out the news.
  • The politician was in bed with a lobbyist group.
  • I always feel safe and secure when I'm in bed with my family. The usage of this idiom can vary depending on the context. It can be used to describe a romantic relationship or a close friendship, but it can also be used to describe someone who is being deceived or manipulated by another person.

Roots and History

The origin of the idiom "in bed with" dates back to the Middle Ages when people believed that secrets were best kept between people in bed together. Over time, the meaning has broadened to include romantic relationships and close friendships. The phrase has been used in literature since at least the 16th century, including in Shakespeare's play "The Tempest."

Synonyms in English

  • In cahoots with
  • Close to one's heart
  • On speaking terms with
  • Among friends
  • Good buddies

Synonyms in other languages

  • Spanish: "en cuarto" (in the bedroom)
  • French: "à l'aise" (at ease)
  • German: "zusammen" (together)
  • Italian: "insieme" (together)
  • Russian: "вместе" (together)

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