English Idioms

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In black and white


The idiom "in black and white" is used to describe something that is clear, direct, and easy to understand. It implies that the information being presented is straightforward and there are no ambiguities or hidden meanings. This phrase can also refer to a situation where there are no shades of gray or complexity involved.


  • The company's financial statements were presented in black and white, making it easy for investors to analyze the performance.
  • The doctor explained the procedure in black and white, so the patient could understand it better.
  • The contract was written in black and white, with no room for interpretation.
  • The decision was made in black and white, without any second thoughts or doubts.
  • The politician's stance on the issue was quite clear-cut and presented in black and white.

Roots and History

The phrase "in black and white" has been used since at least the 19th century. It originated from the practice of writing down transactions in a ledger or account book using ink, which was considered to be black and permanent. This process ensured that all transactions were recorded accurately and without any errors. Over time, the phrase came to be used metaphorically to describe situations that were clear and straightforward, just like the ink on a page.

Synonyms in English

  • Without ambiguity
  • Clearly defined
  • Simple and uncomplicated
  • Easy to understand
  • Transparent

Synonyms in other languages

  • Simplifié (French) - This idiom means "simplified" or "made simpler". It is used to describe something that has been made more straightforward and easy to understand.
  • 清晰的 (Chinese) - This phrase translates to "clear and distinct". It is used to describe situations that are easy to comprehend and have no ambiguity.
  • 簡單的 (Japanese) - This idiom means "simple" or "easy to understand". It is used to describe situations that are straightforward and without any complexity.
  • 干明淘沉的 (Korean) - This phrase translates to "clear and direct". It is used to describe situations that are easy to understand and have no hidden meanings.
  • 肯定的 (Swedish) - This idiom means "certain" or "sure". It is used to describe situations that are clear-cut and have no doubt or uncertainty involved.

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