English Idioms

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In one’s blood


The idiom "in one's blood" means something that is deeply ingrained or part of someone's character, personality, or nature. It implies a sense of innate or instinctual behavior.


  • After years in the military, John knew how to respond under pressure - it was in his blood.
  • She had a natural talent for music and it showed in every note she played.
  • The way he always puts others before himself is something that's in his blood.
  • He may not be the strongest player on the team, but his determination and grit are in his blood.
  • It's clear that helping people is in her blood - she's been volunteering at the local soup kitchen for years.

Roots and History

The phrase "in one's blood" has its roots in Old English, where it was written as "geondalice". Over time, it evolved into Middle English as "genodelich" and eventually became "innate", which is the modern meaning of the idiom.

Synonyms in English

  • Instinctual
  • Natural
  • Innate
  • Inherent
  • Genetic

Synonyms in other languages

  • Español: "en sus venas"
  • Français: "dans ses veines"
  • German: "im Blut"
  • Italian: "nel sangue"
  • Portuguese: "na sua sangue"

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