English Idioms

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In short order


"In short order" is an idiom that means something will happen quickly or efficiently. It can also indicate that a task or project is being done rapidly, or that an event will take place soon. The figurative meaning of the phrase is often used to describe a situation where things are happening much faster than expected.


  • The new manager was able to get the project finished in short order, thanks to his experience and leadership skills.
  • John completed the report in short order, and it was ready for review within an hour of starting work.
  • We need to finish this task by the end of the day, so let's work together in short order to get it done.
  • The company has been growing at a rapid pace, with new employees being hired in short order.
  • She was able to learn the language in short order and is now fluently speaking French.

Roots and History

The phrase "in short order" first appeared in English in the 16th century. It comes from the Old Norse phrase "kort tid" which means "short time". The idiom has remained relatively unchanged over time, with its meaning becoming more generalized to describe any situation that is happening quickly or efficiently.

Synonyms in English

  • In no time
  • Rapidly
  • Soon
  • Speedily
  • Without delay

Synonyms in other languages

  • Spanish - En poco tiempo
  • French - En peu de temps
  • German - Schnell
  • Italian - Subito
  • Portuguese - Em breve tempo

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