English Idioms

Comprehensive resource for understanding and mastering English idioms

In the pipeline


The idiom "in the pipeline" means that something is planned or being prepared for future implementation or execution, but it has not yet been put into action or completed. It can also imply that a process or system is in place to ensure that something happens smoothly and efficiently.


  • The new product is currently in the pipeline and will be released later this year.
  • The company is investing heavily in research and development, with several new products already in the pipeline.
  • The construction project is on track, with many of the necessary permits and approvals now in the pipeline.
  • The government has announced plans to increase funding for education, with several new programs expected to be implemented in the near future.
  • The company is currently working on a major expansion plan, with several new facilities already in the pipeline.

Roots and History

The idiom "in the pipeline" is believed to have originated in the oil industry, where pipelines were used to transport crude oil from wells to refineries. The phrase likely refers to the process of laying a pipe through the ground or underwater, which involves many steps and requires careful planning before it can be completed. Over time, the idiom has come to be used in a broader sense to describe any planned or ongoing processes or systems that are not yet complete.

Synonyms in English

  • In development
  • On the agenda
  • Planned for implementation
  • Scheduled to happen
  • Intended to occur

Synonyms in other languages

  • Spanish: "en desarrollo"
  • French: "en développement"
  • German: "in Entwicklung"
  • Italian: "in sviluppo"
  • Dutch: "in ontwikkeling"

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