English Idioms

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In vain


The idiom "in vain" means to do something that is fruitless or unsuccessful, often because someone has already done the same thing before or there is no hope of achieving a desired outcome. It can also imply that someone is trying too hard for no reason. Example sentences:

  • I spent hours searching for my missing phone, but it was in vain.
  • We took the wrong turn and ended up lost in the city for hours, all our efforts in vain.
  • The company has been struggling to make a profit despite their best efforts, which have been in vain.


The usage of "in vain" can vary depending on the context. It can be used with positive or negative connotations, depending on the situation. In some cases, it can be used to express disappointment or frustration, while in others it can be used humorously or ironically. Example sentences:

  • Despite the weather forecast predicting rain, we went on our hike in hopes of a beautiful sunny day. It was in vain.
  • My friend put a lot of effort into organizing the party, but it turned out to be a disaster and all his efforts were in vain.
  • I tried to fix my broken lamp several times, but it didn't work and I had to throw it away. It was all in vain.
  • The company hired a new CEO with high hopes of turning things around, but it didn't work and all their efforts were in vain.
  • My friend spent all morning studying for an exam, but he still failed. All his efforts were in vain.

Roots and History

The idiom "in vain" has been used since at least the 15th century. It comes from the Old French phrase "en vain", which means "without purpose". In English, it was first recorded in the early 16th century. Over time, the meaning of the idiom has remained relatively consistent, but its usage and connotations have evolved with changing cultural norms and attitudes towards hard work and achievement.

Synonyms in English

  • Fruitless
  • Unproductive
  • Ineffective
  • Unsuccessful
  • Unprofitable

Synonyms in other languages

  • 無用的 (Wòuyǒu de) - Chinese
  • נישטן בעתה מהנסת מפורש אלו כזבב מסוים נסת אלו בידום מסוים נסת - Hebrew
  • לעבד שגבת מן הנסת הבית כהמנסת הזבב שכרות אלו מעקבד אלו בסירדות - Hebrew
  • לאיתנית העם תעבדה אלו בסירדות ואשר בכסרדות מבצן מסוים ואלו חופה בשטלזר שנת 2021 - Hebrew
  • אותהיו שון בעם מסוים מודענית ואותהיו אלו חופה בשטלזר שנת 2021 - Hebrew

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