English Idioms

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Keep card close to chest


The idiom "keep card close to chest" means to remain reserved or guarded about one's feelings, intentions, or plans. It suggests that a person is keeping something important hidden away from others and not revealing it easily.


  • Despite her friendly demeanor, Jane always kept her card close to her chest when it came to her private life.
  • The manager asked each employee to keep their card close to their chest about the upcoming layoffs.
  • My sister is known for keeping her card close to her chest, and I rarely know what she's thinking or feeling.
  • During negotiations, both sides kept their card close to their chest, unwilling to reveal too much information.
  • When asked about his plans for the future, the CEO kept his card close to his chest, leaving everyone guessing.

Roots and History

The idiom "keep card close to chest" dates back to the 19th century and is believed to have originated in the card game of poker. In this game, players are expected to keep their cards hidden from each other and only reveal them when it's necessary. Over time, the phrase has been used metaphorically to describe any situation where a person is keeping their true feelings or intentions hidden away from others.

Synonyms in English

  • Keep your secrets hidden
  • Don't reveal too much information
  • Hold back your thoughts
  • Withhold judgment
  • Be reserved

Synonyms in other languages

  • French: "Retenir le secret" (Keep the secret)
  • German: "Verstecken lassen" (Hide)
  • Spanish: "Mantener el secreto" (Keep the secret)
  • Italian: "Abbassare la maschera" (Lower the mask)
  • Portuguese: "Manter o segredo" (Keep the secret)

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