English Idioms

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Knee jerk reaction


The idiom "knee jerk reaction" refers to an immediate, involuntary, and often reflexive response to a situation or stimulus. It is a term used to describe a behavior that lacks any deliberate thought or planning and is instead based on instinct or habit. This type of reaction can be either positive or negative, but it is generally seen as impulsive and impetuous.


  • When John saw the spider crawling towards him, he had a knee jerk reaction to jump out of his seat.
  • The customer's negative knee jerk reaction to the restaurant's overpriced menu led them to leave without ordering anything.
  • After years of playing football, Sarah developed a knee jerk reaction to stop or slow down quickly when she saw someone approaching her.
  • The knee jerk reaction of the car driver to hit the brakes hard caused the collision with the traffic light.
  • When Sarah heard her alarm go off early in the morning, she had a knee jerk reaction to groan and roll over to turn it off.

Roots and History

The phrase "knee jerk reaction" was first used in medical literature in the 19th century to describe the involuntary contraction of the thigh muscle when the knee joint was tapped. Over time, the term came to be used more broadly to refer to any immediate, reflexive response to a situation or stimulus. The idiom may have originated from the idea that people tend to have a automatic reaction without thinking about it, similar to how the muscle contracts when tapped.

Synonyms in English

  • Instinctual reaction
  • Impulsive action
  • Gut reaction
  • Reactionary behavior
  • Spontaneous response

Synonyms in other languages

  • Spanish - "Reacción refleja" (reflexive reaction)
  • French - "Réaction instinctive" (instinctual reaction)
  • German - "Innere Reaktion" (inner reaction)
  • Italian - "Reazione spontanea" (spontaneous reaction)
  • Japanese - "自動反応" (automatic reaction)

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