English Idioms

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Last but not least


The idiom "last but not least" is used to describe someone or something that comes second to last, but it does not mean they are inferior or unimportant. In fact, the phrase can be used to emphasize the importance of what follows, as if the final item is the most significant.


  • I always make sure to include all my friends in any group project we undertake, last but not least my lovely wife!
  • In the presentation, I'll cover all the key points except for one that I don't want to overshadow everything else - last but not least, our newest product launch.
  • My old school friends are always with me, even if they come last in a group of people.
  • I always leave dessert until last because I have a sweet tooth, but it doesn't mean I don't enjoy the other dishes too! Last but not least, some ice cream to finish off the meal.
  • We need to thank all the volunteers who helped with this event, last but not least our amazing sponsors without whom we couldn't have done it.

Roots and History

The phrase "last but not least" has been used in English since the 17th century. It originally meant "second to last," as in the second item in a list. However, over time, the phrase took on a more positive connotation, implying that the final item was especially important.

Synonyms in English

  • In addition,
  • Furthermore,
  • Moreover,
  • Additionally,
  • Besides,

Synonyms in other languages

  • Encore (French) - This word is used to describe an encore performance of a piece of music or theater.
  • Doppio (Italian) - This word can be used to describe something that comes twice or something that is extra special.
  • Dos veces (Spanish) - This phrase translates to "twice" and can be used to emphasize the importance of something.
  • もう一度 (Japanese) - This phrase means "one more time" and can be used to reiterate an important point.
  • 더 많게 (Korean) - This phrase translates to "more" and can be used to emphasize the importance of something.

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