English Idioms

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Leave no stone unturned


The idiom "leave no stone unturned" means to do everything possible to find something or solve a problem, even if it requires searching in all possible places or using every available resource. It suggests that nothing is left to chance and all options are explored before giving up the search.


  • The detective left no stone unturned in his investigation of the crime.
  • We need to leave no stone unturned in our efforts to find a solution to this problem.
  • When searching for a job, you should leave no stone unturned by applying to every opportunity that matches your qualifications.
  • The CEO ordered her team to leave no stone unturned in their quest to increase sales.
  • Despite all our efforts, we were unable to leave no stone unturned and find the missing item.

Roots and History

The idiom "leave no stone unturned" is believed to have originated from medieval times when knights would search every corner of a castle or fortress for hidden treasure or clues that could help them defend against an enemy attack. They would climb up walls, crawl through small openings, and even dig beneath floors in their quest to find any advantage in battle. Over time, the phrase became associated with a thorough investigation or search for information.

Synonyms in English

  • Go all out
  • Leave no avenue unexplored
  • Pursue every lead
  • Exhaust all possibilities
  • Try everything

Synonyms in other languages

  • Spanish: "Buscar en todas las direcciones posibles" (to search in all possible directions)
  • French: "Chercher partout" (to search everywhere)
  • Italian: "Ricerca in ogni direzione" (to search in every direction)
  • German: "Alles ausschöpfen" (to explore everything)
  • Russian: "Избавить ничего из запрещеного" (to leave no stone unturned)

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