English Idioms

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Lightning fast


The idiom "lightning fast" is used to describe something that happens or moves very quickly, almost instantly. The figurative or metaphorical meaning of this idiom is that the action or speed being described is amazingly fast and speedy, beyond what is expected or normal.


  • He was lightning fast on the track, breaking records left and right.
  • She completed the task in no time, and we were amazed by her lightning fast work.
  • The lightning fast delivery of our package made us very happy customers.
  • He was so quick to solve the problem that we couldn't believe how lightning fast he worked.
  • We were impressed by the lightning fast speed at which the robot was able to complete its task.

Roots and History

The idiom "lightning fast" originated in the 19th century, and it comes from the phrase "as lightning." This phrase refers to something that moves or happens extremely quickly, almost instantly. Over time, the phrase became shortened to "lightning fast," which is its current form. The idiom's meaning has not changed significantly over time, but it has become more commonly used in contemporary language.

Synonyms in English

  • Blazing fast
  • Incredible speed
  • Amazingly quick
  • Faster than lightning
  • Superfast

Synonyms in other languages

  • French: À la vitesse du soleil (At the speed of light)
  • Spanish: En un flash (In a flash)
  • Italian: Come un fulmine (Like a lightning bolt)
  • German: Überraschenderweise schnell (Surprisingly fast)
  • Japanese: 疾いにすぐに (Quickly and immediately)

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