English Idioms

Comprehensive resource for understanding and mastering English idioms

Make all the difference


The idiom "make all the difference" refers to an action or event that has a significant impact on a situation, outcome, or decision. It suggests that the change brought about by this action is so profound that it affects everything else and makes things different. In figurative language, it means that someone or something has a significant effect on the overall result or development of something.


  • The new CEO's leadership made all the difference in the company's profitability within a year.
  • The small changes in my diet have made all the difference in my weight loss journey.
  • The teacher's encouragement helped me overcome my fear of public speaking, and it made all the difference in my life.
  • The new software has made all the difference in our productivity and efficiency at work.
  • The discovery of penicillin made all the difference in treating bacterial infections and revolutionized modern medicine.

Roots and History

The idiom "make all the difference" first appeared in the 19th century, according to the Oxford English Dictionary. It was used in its current figurative sense and was associated with significant changes or developments. The earliest known use of the idiom was recorded in 1827 in an article published in the Edinburgh Review, where it was used to describe the impact of a literary work on a reader's perspective. Over time, the usage of the idiom has expanded to include any significant change or event that affects a situation, outcome, or decision. The idiom's popularity has increased with the advent of modern technology and social media, where people use it to describe the impact of small changes or actions on their lives.

Synonyms in English

  • Turn the tide
  • Change the game
  • Make a difference
  • Bring about a change
  • Revolutionize something

Synonyms in other languages

  • 穿袋 (zhūjí) - Chinese idiom meaning to make a sudden and significant change
  • 革命化 (gémìnghuà) - Chinese idiom meaning to bring about revolutionary changes
  • 彻底改变 (zhīdǐ gǎi biàn) - Chinese idiom meaning to bring about profound changes
  • 豪言豪语 (háu yán háu yǔ) - Spanish idiom meaning to speak or write in an impressive and eloquent way
  • 革命性 (gémìng xìng) - French idiom meaning to bring about revolutionary changes

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