English Idioms

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Marry in haste, repent at leisure


The idiom "marry in haste, repent at leisure" means that someone rushes into a marriage or important decision without fully thinking it through, only to regret their actions later on.


  • Sarah's hasty decision to marry her boyfriend of just six months led to their divorce a year later.
  • John regretted marrying his first love, who was not the right person for him in the long run.
  • The couple married quickly without considering their financial situation, which caused them a lot of stress and hardship in the future.
  • Sarah's decision to propose after only knowing her partner for two months turned out to be a mistake, as they soon realized that they had different goals and values.
  • John's impulsive decision to quit his job and move to a new city with his wife led to financial difficulties and strained their relationship.

Roots and History

The phrase "marry in haste, repent at leisure" has its origins in medieval times, when couples would often rush into marriage without fully understanding the terms of their union. This was particularly true during times of war or economic uncertainty, where people felt pressured to get married as a way of securing financial stability or avoiding poverty. Over time, the phrase evolved to become more metaphorical, referring to any important decision that is made hastily without proper consideration or reflection. Today, the idiom is commonly used in a variety of contexts to caution against making impulsive decisions or rushing into situations without fully understanding the potential consequences.

Synonyms in English

  • rush into something
  • act hastily
  • make hasty decisions
  • jump into something without thinking it through
  • act recklessly

Synonyms in other languages

  • English: "marry in haste, repent at leisure" - Spanish: "hacerse con alguien en impulsividad, luego arrepentirse de ello"; French: "épouser en hâte, regretter après"; Italian: "sposarsi in fretta, poi rimpiangere"; Portuguese: "casar em impulsividade, depois arrepender-se"
  • English: "hasty decision" - Spanish: "decisión rápida", French: "prise rapide", Italian: "dicizia precipitata", Portuguese: "decisão rápida"
  • English: "rush into something" - Spanish: "correrse a algo", French: "s'engager sans reflexion", Italian: "correre in qualcosa", Portuguese: "correr para alguma coisa"
  • English: "act hastily" - Spanish: "actuar en impulsividad", French: "agir en hâte", Italian: "agire precipitatamente", Portuguese: "agir em impulsividade"
  • English: "make hasty decisions" - Spanish: "tomar decisiones en impulsividad", French: "prendre une décision en haste", Italian: "prendere una decisione in precipitazione", Portuguese: "tomar uma decisão em impulsividade"

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