English Idioms

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Means to an end


The idiom "means to an end" is a common phrase used to describe something that has no inherent value, but serves a specific purpose or leads to a desired outcome. It can also refer to the actions taken to achieve that end result.

The literal meaning of the idiom is to indicate that something is done for a particular purpose or reason. Figuratively, it suggests that there may be other ways to achieve the same result, but this method has been chosen because it is most effective or efficient. It can also imply that the end result is more important than the means used to achieve it.


  • The company decided to invest in new technology as a means to an end of increasing efficiency and productivity.
  • The politician promised to cut taxes as a means to an end of winning over voters.
  • The student studied for their exam as a means to an end of passing the class.
  • The athlete trained hard to achieve their goal of becoming a professional sports star.
  • The artist painted landscapes as a means to an end of expressing their emotions and ideas.

Roots and History

The phrase "means to an end" has been used in English since the 16th century. It comes from Old French, where it was written as "moyen à fin". The word "moyen" means "medium" or "intermediate", while "à fin" means "to the end". In other words, the phrase literally translates to "medium to the end". Over time, the idiom has evolved to its current meaning, which emphasizes the importance of achieving a specific goal, rather than just the means used to achieve it.

Synonyms in English

  • Instrumentality: the quality or qualities of being useful as a means to an end.
  • Purposefulness: directed towards or having a particular aim or purpose.
  • Objectivity: impartiality and free from personal biases or subjective opinions.
  • Mechanicalness: lacking creativity or personal touch in achieving a goal.
  • Formality: a strict adherence to rules, procedures, or etiquette.

Synonyms in other languages

  • L'agenda du politique français
  • Le but de l'artiste
  • Les objectifs de la société
  • Le processus d'amélioration du produit
  • La mécanisation de l'industrie

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