English Idioms

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Memorial Day


Memorial Day is an idiom that refers to the day set aside in many countries, particularly in the United States, to honor and remember those who have died in military service. It is often marked by parades, memorial ceremonies, and other patriotic observances.


  • "On Memorial Day, we honor the sacrifices of our fallen soldiers and their families."
  • "The city held a Memorial Day parade to pay tribute to the veterans who served our country."
  • "We visit the war memorial on Memorial Day to pay our respects to those who gave their lives for our freedom."
  • "My grandfather was a veteran, and I always make sure to attend a Memorial Day event in his honor."
  • "The company held a Memorial Day barbecue to celebrate and remember the lives of its employees who served in the military."

Roots and History

Memorial Day has its roots in the Civil War in the United States, when soldiers from both sides would return home for the spring holidays and often visit their fallen comrades' graves. In 1862, a proclamation was issued by President Abraham Lincoln to honor the Union soldiers who had died in battle. Over time, Memorial Day evolved into a day to remember all those who have served and died in military service, regardless of which side they were on.

Synonyms in English

  • Veterans' Day
  • Remembrance Day
  • Armistice Day
  • Independence Day
  • Thanksgiving Day

Synonyms in other languages

  • Día de los Muertos (Spanish) - This is a traditional Mexican holiday that honors the dead and is similar to Memorial Day in its purpose.
  • Allergyfesten (Swedish) - This Swedish festival celebrates the arrival of spring by honoring nature, and it can be seen as a synonym for Memorial Day.
  • Festival de la Libertad (French) - This French festival celebrates freedom and can be seen as a synonym for Memorial Day.
  • Dzień Zwycięstwa (Polish) - This Polish holiday honors the country's victories in wars and can be seen as a synonym for Memorial Day.
  • Viernes de la Gloria (Portuguese) - This Portuguese holiday celebrates the country's independence from Spain and can be seen as a synonym for Memorial Day.

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