English Idioms

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Method to madness


The phrase "method to madness" is an idiom that means there is a logical or rational explanation for someone's behavior, even if it may seem irrational or unpredictable at first glance. It suggests that there is a method or strategy behind someone's actions, even if it is not immediately apparent.


  • "Despite his erratic behavior, I soon realized there was a method to his madness."
  • "I thought she was crazy, but then I saw the method in her madness."
  • "His unconventional approach had a method to it, and it paid off in the end."
  • "She seemed like a wild card at first, but then I realized there was a method to her madness."
  • "I used to think he was just being difficult, but then I saw the method behind his madness."

Roots and History

The phrase "method to madness" has been in use since the 15th century. It comes from the Latin phrase "ratio ad monomaniam," which translates to "reason to madness." This idiom suggests that there is a rational or logical explanation for someone's behavior, even if it seems irrational at first glance.

Synonyms in English

  • There is a method to my madness.
  • I have a plan behind my chaos.
  • My seemingly random actions are actually part of a larger strategy.
  • Despite my unpredictable behavior, there is a logic to it all.
  • I may appear crazy, but there is a method to my madness.

Synonyms in other languages

  • In French: Il y a une méthode dans la folie (There is a method in madness)
  • In Spanish: Hay un método en la locura (There is a method in madness)
  • In German: Es gibt ein Verfahren in der Irre (There is a method in madness)
  • In Italian: Ci sono metodi nella pazzia (There are methods in madness)
  • In Portuguese: Há um método na loucura (There is a method in madness)

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