English Idioms

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Sense of humour


A sense of humor refers to one's ability to perceive, understand, appreciate, and express comedy or humor. It is a person's perspective on finding things funny or amusing and their willingness to share or participate in humorous situations.


  • "I have a great sense of humor and always try to bring laughter into any situation."
  • "He doesn't have much of a sense of humor and struggles to find the humor in most jokes."
  • "She has an excellent sense of humor, and her quick wit always leaves everyone in stitches."
  • "His sense of humor can be hit or miss, but when he hits it right, he has everyone rolling on the floor."
  • "The group had a great sense of humor and made every moment feel like a party."

Roots and History

The concept of humor has been present throughout history in various cultures and periods. However, the term "sense of humor" is relatively modern and emerged in the early 20th century. The earliest known use of the phrase dates back to 1938 when it appeared in a journal article titled "An Investigation of Personality." Since then, the idiom has become widely used and has evolved to reflect changing attitudes towards humor and society.

Synonyms in English

  • Sense of fun
  • Sense of merriment
  • Humor
  • Wit
  • Comedic sense

Synonyms in other languages

  • French: Sens de l'humour
  • Spanish: Sentido del humor
  • German: Humorgeschmack
  • Italian: Senso dell'umorismo
  • Japanese: 傷詐的感響 (Shōgenki no Kanax)

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