English Idioms

Comprehensive resource for understanding and mastering English idioms

Strike a chord


The idiom "strike a chord" means to touch or evoke strong feelings or emotions, especially by saying something that is true or relatable. It can also mean to have a positive impact on someone or to be successful in achieving a desired outcome.


  • The speaker's words struck a chord with the audience and they were met with applause.
  • The company's new marketing campaign seems to be striking a chord with consumers as sales have increased significantly.
  • When I told my friend about my struggles with depression, it struck a chord with her and we ended up having a heart-to-heart conversation.
  • The musician's performance struck a chord with the audience and they were moved to tears by the beauty of the music.
  • The politician's speech struck a chord with voters as he promised to address their concerns and improve their lives.

Roots and History

The idiom "strike a chord" dates back to the early 19th century and is believed to have originated in the music industry. In this context, it meant to produce a musical note that was in harmony with the existing notes being played. Over time, the phrase evolved to mean touching or evoking strong feelings or emotions.

Synonyms in English

  • Resonate
  • Touch base
  • Strike a nerve
  • Evoke emotions
  • Have an impact

Synonyms in other languages

  • French: toucher le chaud (to touch the hot spot)
  • German: auf den Nagel treffen (to hit the nail on the head)
  • Italian: colpire un cordone (to strike a nerve)
  • Spanish: dar un golpe (to make an impact)
  • Portuguese: atingir o alvo (to hit the target)

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