English Idioms

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Never say die


The idiom "never say die" means to never give up or surrender in the face of adversity or difficulty. It implies that one should keep on fighting, no matter how challenging the situation may seem.


  • Despite facing numerous obstacles, she never says die and continues to work towards her goal with determination.
  • The team's spirit was undeterred as they refused to say die in the face of their opponents' superior play.
  • In times of crisis, it is important to remember that we must never say die and continue to fight for what is right.
  • He never says die when it comes to his passion for painting and continues to create beautiful art pieces even after years of practice.
  • The company faced many challenges during its early days, but they never said die and continued to innovate and grow over time.

Roots and History

The idiom "never say die" dates back to the early 20th century, with the first known use appearing in a Scottish newspaper in 1903. It gained popularity during World War II, when it was used by British troops as a rallying cry in the face of enemy attacks. Over time, it has become a popular phrase used to inspire people to persevere and never give up, no matter how difficult the situation may seem.

Synonyms in English

  • Persist
  • Keep fighting
  • Stay determined
  • Continue on
  • Persevere

Synonyms in other languages

Spanish - No te rindas (Don't give up) French - Ne pas te rendre (Don't give up) Italian - Non si arrende (Don't give up) German - Nicht aufgeben (Don't give up) Japanese - 継続する (Continue on)

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