English Idioms

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No man is an island


The idiom "no man is an island" means that people cannot exist or thrive in isolation from others. It emphasizes the importance of social interaction, support, and community in our lives.


  • Even though she's very independent, John knows that Mary still needs to be around other people for her well-being.
  • As a CEO, John understands that no man is an island - he knows he needs to collaborate with his team to achieve success.
  • Despite their differences, the two friends always make time for each other because they understand that no one can live without companionship.
  • Sarah's decision to start a new job in a different city was challenging, but she knew she couldn't do it alone and needed the support of her family and friends.
  • In the aftermath of the pandemic, many people have realized that they need to reconnect with others to maintain their mental health. The usage of "no man is an island" can vary depending on the context. It can be used in a positive or negative way. For example, it can be used to encourage people to seek social interaction and support when needed, but it can also be used to criticize someone for being too dependent on others.

Roots and History

The idiom "no man is an island" is believed to have originated in the Middle Ages when monasteries were isolated communities. The phrase was used to emphasize the importance of community life and social interaction within these communities. In modern times, the phrase has taken on a broader meaning that applies to all aspects of human society.

Synonyms in English

  • No one is an island - this idiom emphasizes the importance of connection with others.
  • We're all in this together - this idiom emphasizes the importance of teamwork and collaboration.
  • Social distancing is a myth - this idiom emphasizes the importance of social interaction and support during difficult times.
  • Human beings are not solitary creatures - this idiom emphasizes the importance of connection with others in our lives.
  • No one can succeed alone - this idiom emphasizes the importance of teamwork and collaboration in achieving success.

Synonyms in other languages

  • 私は人間の島でありません (Japanese) - This phrase translates to "I am not an island" and emphasizes the importance of social interaction and support in human life.
  • אםאיך מסוכים עם בעלה נפשות, אני ראו דוקא זלטן אחד מסוכים עם בעלה נפשות (Hebrew) - This phrase translates to "If you do not want to be with me, I will feel like an island" and emphasizes the importance of social interaction and support in human life.
  • انه الشريف (Arabic) - This phrase translates to "He is the chief" and emphasizes the importance of leadership and collaboration in achieving success.
  • أنه ملك القبيلة (Arabic) - This phrase translates to "He is the leader of the community" and emphasizes the importance of social interaction and support in human life.
  • انه الممون (Arabic) - This phrase translates to "He is the believer" and emphasizes the importance of connection with others in achieving success and happiness.

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