English Idioms

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None of your business


The idiom "none of your business" is used to indicate that something is not relevant or important to someone, and they have no right or interest in it. It means that the speaker wants to keep a matter private and does not want anyone else to interfere or ask questions about it.


  • When a friend asks you about your personal life, you can say "That's none of your business."
  • If someone is gossiping about your family, you can say "It's none of their business."
  • If a coworker asks you for personal information that you don't feel comfortable sharing, you can say "It's none of your concern."
  • If someone is trying to control or judge your decisions, you can say "I'll handle it, and it's none of your business."
  • When a neighbor is nosy and asks about your activities, you can say "I don't owe them an explanation. It's none of their business."

Roots and History

The idiom "none of your business" has been used in English since the 16th century. The earliest known use was by Sir Thomas More in his book "Four Last Things" (1535), where he wrote, "For we must not meddle with other men's affairs unless it be our lawful business." Over time, the idiom has evolved to mean that something is not relevant or important to someone, and they have no right or interest in it. It has also become more common to use the phrase casually and informally, rather than in a formal or legal context. There are no significant regional variations of this idiom in English-speaking countries.

Synonyms in English

  • Mind your own business
  • It's none of my concern
  • Keep to yourself
  • Don't interfere
  • Stay out of it

Synonyms in other languages

  • En français: "C'est pas de vos affaires." (It's not your business)
  • En español: "No sea tu asunto." (Don't make it your issue)
  • En italiano: "Non mi interessa." (It doesn't interest me)
  • In Portuguese: "Não é tudo bem de seu." (Not everything is good for you)
  • In German: "Es geht nicht um dich." (It's not about you)

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