English Idioms

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Not give a damn


The idiom "not give a damn" means to not care about or be concerned about something, especially something negative or unpleasant. It is used to express disinterest or indifference towards something. For example, if someone says "I don't give a damn about what people think of me," it means that they are not affected by others' opinions and do not care about them.


  • "I don't give a damn about the weather today. I'm going to play soccer anyway." - This sentence shows how the idiom can be used to express indifference towards something that others consider important, such as the weather.
  • "He doesn't give a damn about his health. He smokes and eats junk food all day." - This sentence shows how the idiom can be used to indicate that someone is not taking something seriously, in this case their health.
  • "She doesn't give a damn about what her boss thinks of her work. She knows she's doing a great job." - This sentence shows how the idiom can be used to express confidence and self-assuredness.
  • "I don't give a damn about winning this game. It's just for fun." - This sentence shows how the idiom can be used to indicate that something is not important, even if it appears to be so.
  • "He doesn't give a damn about his future. He's living in the present moment." - This sentence shows how the idiom can be used to express a focus on the present and disregard for future consequences.

Roots and History

The phrase "not give a damn" is believed to have originated in the United States during the 19th century. It was first recorded in 1870 in the United States and has since become a common idiom used in contemporary language. The phrase likely developed as a way to express indifference or disinterest towards something negative or unpleasant, which is its current meaning.

Synonyms in English

  • "I don't care"
  • "It doesn't bother me"
  • "I don't worry about it"
  • "I'm not concerned"
  • "It doesn't faze me"

Synonyms in other languages

  • French: "Je ne m'en souviens pas" (I don't remember)
  • Spanish: "No importa" (It doesn't matter)
  • German: "Es macht mir nichts aus" (It doesn't matter to me)
  • Italian: "Non mi importa" (It doesn't matter to me)
  • Dutch: "Ik ben niet gekend met dat" (I don't know about that)

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