English Idioms

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Old habits die hard


The idiom "old habits die hard" means that it is difficult to change established patterns of behavior or thinking, especially when they have been ingrained over time. It implies that people tend to cling to their familiar ways of doing things, even if they are not necessarily effective or beneficial.


  • "I've tried to quit smoking multiple times, but old habits die hard."
  • "Even though he knew it was the right decision for his career, he couldn't shake off his old habits and ended up making a mistake."
  • "She struggled to adapt to her new job since she had spent years in her previous role."
  • "Despite his best efforts to break free from his addiction, the pull of old habits proved too strong."
  • "The company's outdated technology and lack of innovation have made it difficult for them to keep up with their competitors."

Roots and History

The phrase "old habits die hard" has been in use since at least the 14th century, according to The Phrase Finder. It comes from the proverb "Old habits die hard," which dates back to at least the 15th century. Over time, the idiom has evolved to take on its current figurative meaning.

Synonyms in English

  • "Change is difficult"
  • "It's hard to break bad habits"
  • "Old ways die hard"
  • "Easier said than done"
  • "Breaking the cycle of old behavior"

Synonyms in other languages

  • French: "Les choses qui sont habituées à une personne ne s'arrêtent pas facilement." (Things that are accustomed to a person do not stop easily.)
  • Spanish: "Las cosas que se hacen de un modo determinado son difíciles de cambiar." (The things that are done in a particular way are difficult to change.)
  • Italian: "Le cose che sono state fatte da sempre sono difficili da modificare." (Things that have been done for a long time are difficult to modify.)
  • German: "Die alten Gewohnheiten sterben nicht leicht." (Old habits die not easily.)
  • Russian: "Старые привычки не умирают легко." (Old habits do not die easily.)

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