English Idioms

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On demand


"On demand" is an idiom that means something or someone is available immediately, without any delay or request. It can also refer to a service or product that is provided to customers according to their needs and preferences. The figurative meaning of the idiom is often used to describe a situation where someone or something is ready and willing to fulfill a particular request or need.


  • The customer demanded the menu on demand, but the waiter was not able to provide it.
  • My streaming service allows me to watch movies on demand whenever I want.
  • The flight attendant offered drinks on demand during the long flight.
  • The chef prepared a special dish on demand for the birthday party.
  • The company's new software is designed to work on demand, making it easier for employees to collaborate.

Roots and History

The idiom "on demand" has its roots in the early days of television broadcasting when programs were shown live without any delay or interruption. Viewers could request specific programs by phoning the broadcaster directly, and the program would be shown at their convenience. The term "on demand" was used to describe this service, which revolutionized the way people watched television. Over time, the idiom evolved to refer to other situations where something or someone is available immediately.

Synonyms in English

  • At once
  • Immediately
  • Instantly
  • On the spot
  • Without delay

Synonyms in other languages

  • En directe (French) - used to describe a live broadcast or transmission
  • A la carta (Spanish) - used to describe a menu item that can be ordered individually, without being part of a set meal
  • à volonté (French) - used to describe a service or product that is available on request
  • On ruft mich ein Maler auf den Hals (German) - used to describe a situation where someone or something is suddenly and unexpectedly needed
  • Wenn du willst (German) - used to express the idea that something can be done immediately if someone wants it

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