English Idioms

Comprehensive resource for understanding and mastering English idioms

On the money


The idiom "on the money" means that something is accurate, correct, or on target. It can also mean that someone is performing their job well, or that a solution to a problem is effective and efficient.


  • The market analysis was spot-on and helped us make an informed decision about our new product line.
  • My friend's advice on how to handle the interview was on the money - I ended up acing it!
  • The company's new advertising campaign is on the money, as sales have already increased by 10%.
  • The restaurant's signature dish is a hit among customers because it's perfectly seasoned and cooked to perfection - truly on the money!
  • After some trial and error, we finally found a solution that was both cost-effective and on the money - our company is now saving thousands of dollars per year. The usage of this idiom can vary depending on the context. In some cases, it may be used to describe a specific piece of information or advice that turned out to be accurate, while in others, it may be used to describe someone's overall performance or success in their job.

Roots and History

The origins of this idiom are not entirely clear, but it is believed to have originated in the late 19th or early 20th century. One theory suggests that it comes from the practice of betting on horse races, where a winning horse would be described as "on the money" because it was accurately priced and therefore likely to win. Another theory suggests that it may have originated in the world of finance, where accurate financial predictions or analysis would be referred to as being "on the money." Over time, the meaning of this idiom has remained relatively consistent, but its usage has become more common in contemporary language. It is now used in a variety of contexts and can be applied to a wide range of situations.

Synonyms in English

  • Spot-on
  • Accurate
  • On target
  • Dead on
  • Right on the money

Synonyms in other languages

  • En point (French) - This idiom is used to describe something that is exactly right or accurate, whether it's a piece of information or a solution to a problem.
  • En punto (Spanish) - Similar in meaning to "en point," this idiom is also used to describe something that is precise and accurate.
  • In punti (Italian) - This Italian idiom means that something is perfectly done or executed, whether it's a meal prepared by a chef or a work of art created by an artist.
  • In deugde (Dutch) - This Dutch idiom means that something is done correctly or appropriately, and is often used to describe someone who is skilled or competent in their job.
  • En kant (Danish) - Similar in meaning to "in deugde," this Danish idiom means that someone is doing their job well and is competent in their field.

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