English Idioms

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On the same page


The idiom "on the same page" refers to being on the same level of understanding or agreement about something. It means that everyone involved is aware of each other's thoughts, feelings, and intentions. The phrase implies a sense of unity and harmony in a group of people who are working towards a common goal.


  • After the meeting, it was clear that everyone on the team was on the same page regarding the project timeline.
  • Despite their differences, the siblings were finally able to put aside their issues and be on the same page when it came to their parents' funeral arrangements.
  • The new CEO's vision for the company was met with resistance from some employees who were hesitant to be on the same page as her radical changes.
  • In the final act of the play, all the characters found themselves on the same page when they decided to join forces against the evil villain.
  • The two couples had very different ideas about how to spend their honeymoon, but eventually, they managed to find common ground and be on the same page. The usage of this idiom can vary depending on the context. It can be used in a positive or negative way depending on the situation. For example, if everyone is happy with an agreement, you can say "everyone was on the same page" in a positive sense. However, if there are disagreements, you can say "some people were not on the same page," implying that there is dissent within the group.

Roots and History

The origin of the idiom "on the same page" is unclear, but it has been in use since at least the mid-20th century. It is believed to have originated from the world of publishing and bookkeeping. In publishing, a "page" referred to a sheet of paper that was printed on both sides. When two pages were printed with the same information, it was said that they were "on the same page." Similarly, in bookkeeping, when accounts were balanced and both sides of an equation matched, it was said that the books were "on the same page." Over time, the idiom has taken on a broader meaning beyond its origins in publishing and bookkeeping. Today, it is used to refer to any situation where people are in agreement or have a shared understanding about something.

Synonyms in English

  • In sync
  • On the same wavelength
  • On the same path
  • On the same boat
  • In harmony

Synonyms in other languages

  • 同意 (Japanese) - This word means "agree" or "consent." It is a common synonym for "on the same page" in Japanese culture.
  • 同感 (Japanese) - This word means "sympathy" or "understanding." It is another synonym for "on the same page" that is commonly used in Japanese language and culture.
  • 相合 (Japanese) - This word means "harmony" or "agreement." It is a common synonym for "on the same page" that is widely used in Japanese language and culture.

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