English Idioms

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Piece of writing


The idiom "piece of writing" refers to a written work or composition that is considered to be of high quality or excellence. It can also refer to a document or piece of literature that has been carefully crafted and is worthy of attention or consideration.


  • The author's latest novel received glowing reviews from critics, making it a true piece of writing.
  • The essay was so well-written that it earned the student an A on their final exam.
  • The company's annual report was a piece of writing that showcased their achievements and successes.
  • The speech delivered by the politician was a piece of writing that inspired the audience to take action.
  • The memoir written by the author was a true labor of love, and every word was crafted with care and attention. The usage of "piece of writing" can vary depending on the context. For example, it can be used to refer to a work of fiction, a non-fictional account, or even an advertisement. It is also worth noting that the idiom can be modified to suit the context, such as using "a piece of art," "a piece of poetry," or "a piece of music."

Roots and History

The origin of the idiom "piece of writing" dates back to the 17th century, where it was used to refer to a written work that was considered to be valuable or worthy of preservation. Over time, the usage of the idiom expanded to include any piece of writing that was highly regarded or praised. Today, the idiom continues to be used in modern language to express admiration and appreciation for a written work or composition.

Synonyms in English

  • masterpiece
  • magnum opus
  • literary work of art
  • tour de force
  • pièce de résistance

Synonyms in other languages

  • Español: obra maestra - a piece of writing that is considered to be of exceptional quality or importance.
  • Français: œuvre d'art - a work of art, such as a painting or sculpture.
  • Italian: opera magistra - an exceptional work of art, such as a play or novel.
  • German: Meisterwerk - a masterpiece of art, literature, or music.
  • Japanese: kodo - a traditional musical performance that is considered to be of great beauty and elegance.

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