English Idioms

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Rank and file


The idiom "rank and file" refers to the average, ordinary members of a group or organization, who are not necessarily leaders or hold important positions. It represents the majority of people who follow the rules and regulations without question or complaint. The phrase can also be used to describe people who conform to societal norms or expectations without deviation.


  • "The rank and file employees were happy with the new policy, but the union leaders were not satisfied."
  • "During the election campaign, the rank and file voters showed their support for the incumbent candidate."
  • "The new CEO's vision for the company was met with resistance from the rank and file employees who feared job cuts."
  • "In times of crisis, the rank and file citizens step up to help those in need."
  • "The rank and file soldiers followed their orders without question during the battle."

Roots and History

The origin of the idiom "rank and file" is unclear, but it may have originated from military terminology. In the army, "rank" refers to a person's position or status within the hierarchy, while "file" refers to a line of soldiers standing in formation. The phrase may have been used to describe the average soldier who followed orders without question or complaint. Over time, the idiom has evolved to refer to anyone who conforms to societal norms or expectations without deviation. It is now commonly used in various contexts, including business, politics, and social issues.

Synonyms in English

  • The masses/the majority
  • The common folk/the ordinary people
  • The typical/the average
  • The run-of-the-mill/the everyday
  • The standard/the norm

Synonyms in other languages

  • La gente común/el pueblo común (Spanish) - Refers to the common people or the masses
  • La population ordinaire/le peuple ordinaire (French) - Refers to the ordinary people or the typical
  • 普通人/平常人 (Chinese) - Refers to the average person or the typical
  • 일반인/ ordinario (Korean) - Refers to the common person or the everyday
  • المساعدية الشريكة العملية (Arabic) - Refers to the workers or the ordinary people in the workplace.

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