English Idioms

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Red tape


The idiom "red tape" refers to bureaucratic procedures, regulations, or paperwork that are time-consuming, complicated, and often frustrating. It can also refer to any kind of restriction or obstacle that prevents people from achieving their goals. The term "red tape" comes from the old practice of using red ink to write official documents, which were seen as a symbol of bureaucratic control and red tape.


  • "I had to go through so much red tape just to get my passport renewed." - This sentence implies that the process of renewing a passport is overly complicated and time-consuming, causing frustration for the speaker.
  • "The company's red tape has made it impossible for us to innovate." - This sentence suggests that the bureaucratic procedures and regulations have stifled creativity and prevented the company from being successful.
  • "I don't know why we have so much red tape when it comes to hiring new employees." - This sentence implies that there are too many restrictions and regulations in place that make it difficult for the company to hire new talent.
  • "The government's red tape has caused delays in the construction of the new highway." - This sentence suggests that the bureaucratic procedures and regulations have caused delays in the completion of the project, leading to frustration for those involved.
  • "I had to fill out so much red tape just to get a speeding ticket dismissed." - This sentence implies that the paperwork and bureaucracy involved in getting a ticket dismissed is complicated and time-consuming, causing frustration for the speaker.

Roots and History

The term "red tape" dates back to the early 19th century when officials used red ink to mark official documents. Over time, the phrase came to be associated with bureaucratic procedures and restrictions that were seen as controlling and frustrating. In contemporary language, the idiom is often used to describe any kind of restriction or obstacle that prevents people from achieving their goals.

Synonyms in English

  • Bureaucracy
  • Red tape
  • Paperwork
  • Regulations
  • Procedures

Synonyms in other languages

  • French: "bourocratie" - This word refers to the bureaucratic system and procedures that are often seen as rigid and controlling.
  • Spanish: "paperclip" - This idiom is used to describe any kind of restriction or obstacle that prevents people from achieving their goals.
  • German: "Verwaltungsreden" - This phrase translates to "official language" and refers to the bureaucratic procedures and regulations that are often seen as complicated and time-consuming.
  • Italian: "rigida amministrazione" - This idiom translates to "strict administration" and refers to the bureaucratic procedures and regulations that are often seen as controlling and frustrating.
  • Japanese: "売り切れ" - This idiom refers to a situation where people cannot buy what they want due to restrictions or limitations in supply.

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