English Idioms

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Rocket science


The idiom "rocket science" is used to describe a subject or task that is extremely complex and difficult to understand, especially for someone who is not an expert in the field. It is often used to compare something to a scientific field that is known for its complexity, such as rocket science, which involves advanced mathematical calculations and engineering principles.


  • "I was trying to understand how this software works, but it's like rocket science."
  • "The chemistry behind photosynthesis is so complex; it's like rocket science for plants."
  • "I'm not sure why she thinks learning French is rocket science, but I struggle with it too."
  • "Trying to understand the stock market is like trying to do rocket science."
  • "The physics of black holes is so advanced that even Einstein called it 'spooky action at a distance' and said it was like rocket science for god."

Roots and History

The idiom "rocket science" dates back to the early days of rocketry in the 20th century. The first successful human-made rocket, V-2, was launched by Germany during World War II in 194- This led to the development of rocketry as a scientific field, which involved advanced mathematical calculations and engineering principles. Over time, the idiom has come to be used more broadly to describe any subject or task that is extremely complex and difficult to understand.

Synonyms in English

  • Advanced math
  • Engineering
  • Science
  • Cryptography
  • Astrophysics

Synonyms in other languages

  • In French: "La physique" (Physics)
  • In German: "Die Mathematik" (Mathematics)
  • In Spanish: "La Astronomía" (Astronomy)
  • In Italian: "La Fisica" (Physics)
  • In Portuguese: "A Matemática" (Mathematics)

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