English Idioms

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Roll the dice


The idiom "roll the dice" generally means to take a risk or chance on something, usually by doing something without knowing the outcome. It can also mean to wait patiently for something to happen or to proceed with caution before making a decision or taking action.


  • "I'm feeling adventurous today, so I decided to roll the dice and try skydiving." (Taking a risk on a new experience)
  • "We'll have to roll the dice and see what happens with this project proposal." (Waiting patiently for an outcome)
  • "I'm not sure if I should invest in this stock, but I guess I'll roll the dice and give it a try." (Taking a risk on an investment)
  • "We don't know how this meeting will go, so we might as well roll the dice and see what happens." (Waiting patiently for an outcome)
  • "I'm hesitant to make any changes to my life right now, but I guess I'll roll the dice and try something new." (Taking a risk on change)

Roots and History

The exact origin of the idiom is unclear, but there are several theories. One theory suggests that the phrase comes from the world of gambling, where rolling dice was a common way to settle disputes or make decisions. Another theory suggests that the phrase originated in ancient Rome, where soldiers would roll dice before going into battle to determine their strategy or tactics. Over time, the meaning of the idiom has evolved to include more general situations beyond just taking risks or waiting for outcomes. Today, the idiom is commonly used in a variety of contexts to suggest that someone is proceeding with caution before making a decision or taking action.

Synonyms in English

  • Take a chance on something
  • Risk it
  • Play it safe
  • Hedge your bets
  • Roll the dice and see what happens

Synonyms in other languages

  • En français: Jeter les dés et voir ce qui arrive (take a risk and see what happens)
  • In Spanish: Lanzar los dados y ver qué pasa (throw the dice and see what happens)
  • In Italian: Lanciare i dadi e vedere cosa accade (throw the dice and see what happens)
  • In German: Würfeln und sehen, was passiert (throw the dice and see what happens)
  • In Portuguese: Lançar os dados e ver o que acontece (throw the dice and see what happens)

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