English Idioms

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See the light


The idiom "see the light" means to have a sudden realization or insight, often about something that was previously unclear or difficult to understand. It can also refer to finding meaning or purpose in life, or becoming aware of the truth after experiencing a period of doubt or confusion. The phrase comes from the biblical story of the prophet Elijah who saw God on Mount Carmel as a bright light or fire descending from the sky.


  • After struggling to understand the math problem, John suddenly saw the light and solved it in minutes.
  • When she lost her job, Sarah felt lost and unsure of her purpose until she saw the light and realized that this was an opportunity to pursue her passion.
  • The new CEO's leadership brought a breath of fresh air to the company and many employees feel like they're finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.
  • After years of searching for meaning in life, Jim finally saw the light and found peace through spirituality.
  • The artist had been struggling with his latest project until he saw the light and was inspired by a new perspective on the subject matter.

Roots and History

The idiom "see the light" dates back to the 18th century and has its roots in various religious and philosophical traditions. In Christianity, it refers to the revelation of God's presence or the experience of divine enlightenment. In philosophy, it is related to the concept of epiphany or a sudden realization of truth. Over time, the phrase has evolved to include more secular meanings and can be used in a variety of contexts.

Synonyms in English

  • Have a eureka moment
  • See the big picture
  • Get it
  • Crack the code
  • Understand something

Synonyms in other languages

  • Spanish: "ver la luz" (to see the light)
  • French: "voir clair" (to see clearly)
  • German: "sähen das Leuchten" (to see the light shining)
  • Italian: "vedere chiarezza" (to see clarity)
  • Japanese: "閑静知道" (to become enlightened through silence and contemplation)

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