English Idioms

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Silence is golden


The idiom "silence is golden" means that it is often better to remain quiet than to speak unnecessarily or to reveal too much information. It suggests that sometimes, keeping one's thoughts and feelings to oneself can be the wisest course of action. This phrase implies that listening attentively to someone else without interruption can also be valuable.


  • "During the meeting, I kept my mouth shut and waited for others to speak first. Silence is golden in professional settings."
  • "I realized too late that she was lying, and I should have asked more questions instead of accepting her words at face value. Hindsight truly is 20/20."
  • "After our conversation, he didn't say anything for a while. Sometimes, it's better to let the silence speak for itself."
  • "When she was going through a difficult time, I just listened and waited for her to open up. Silence can be a powerful tool in healing."
  • "My friend asked me to keep quiet about our plans to surprise him on his birthday. When we revealed the surprise, he was speechless, which made it all worth it."

Roots and History

The idiom has been used since at least the 16th century, with its earliest known use appearing in a collection of proverbs in 1546. It comes from the phrase "silence is the golden rule" or "silence is the best policy." Over time, the idiom evolved to its current form and gained a more metaphorical connotation.

Synonyms in English

  • Keep your mouth shut
  • Don't spill your beans
  • Hold your tongue
  • Mind your own business
  • Stay mum

Synonyms in other languages

  • French: "La parole est d'or" (The word is gold)
  • German: "Die Sprache ist Edelmetall" (The language is precious metal)
  • Spanish: "El silencio es oro" (Silence is gold)
  • Italian: "Il silenzio è la lite più bella" (The silence is the sweetest melody)
  • Arabic: "النحوة في البيان" (The depth in silence)

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