English Idioms

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Smitten with


The idiom "smitten with" means to be extremely attracted or fond of someone or something, usually to the point of being unable to resist it. It implies a strong emotional connection and can be used to describe both romantic love and affection towards a person or thing. In contemporary language, the figurative meaning is often used to describe an intense liking or fascination with something, such as a hobby, sport, or activity.


  • "I'm smitten with this new dance studio. They have classes for all levels, and their instructors are so friendly and knowledgeable!"
  • "My colleague at work is smitten with the new project manager. He admires her leadership skills and ability to keep everyone on track."
  • "I'm smitten with this new car. It's fast, efficient, and looks great too!"
  • "I've been smitten with cooking since I started taking classes last year. I love experimenting with different recipes and trying out new techniques."
  • "I'm smitten with the beach. There's nothing better than soaking up the sun, building sandcastles, and swimming in the ocean." The usage of the idiom can vary depending on the context. For example, it can be used to describe a romantic relationship or an intense interest in something. The idiom can also be used to express admiration or affection towards a person or thing, as in the examples above.

Roots and History

The phrase "smitten with" dates back to the 16th century and is believed to have originated from the Old French word "smithere," which means "to feel pity or compassion." In early usage, the idiom was used to describe a feeling of sympathy or concern for someone or something. Over time, the meaning of the idiom evolved to include feelings of attraction and fascination. The idiom has cultural variations in different regions of the world. In some cultures, it is more commonly used to describe romantic love, while in others, it may be used to describe affection towards a hobby or activity.

Synonyms in English

  • Enamored with
  • Infatuated with
  • Captivated by
  • Mesmerized by
  • Intrigued by

Synonyms in other languages

  • French: Charmé(e) par (to be charmed by)
  • Spanish: Enamorado/a de (to be enamored of)
  • Italian: Innamorato/a di (to be in love with)
  • German: Gefallen (to like)
  • Russian: Зачарованный/ая (to be charmed)

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